Sunday, April 4, 2021

Mending walls or Building bridges

The Great Wall of China is sequence of fortifications that were built across the northern parts of CHina as protection against invading nomandic groups from Eurasia.
It has a span of 13,171 miles or 21, 196km and is the longest man - made structure in the world. 

Northern side of the Great Wall of China

This structure is also one of the seven wonders of the world and is a symbol of ancient civilization that still stands to this day.

This wall have contributed a lot to China and human relationships as it protects it from invaders for more than a century. It is something that our ancestors came up for that in order to protect the future generation they must build this megastructure through hand tools alone.

If I were to pick between mending walls or building bridges I would pick building bridges. Why? Because since the dawn of time us humans have always been living in tribes or groups. We dont have strong scales to protect us nor sharp claws to help us defend, but what we do have is numbers and our big brains. This has led us to evolve into the most dominant race in the planet. Now imagine if we didn't cooperate back then. What if we were just solo hunters and gatherers. We wouldn't even know how to use tools let alone make them. This is the importance of human communication. And which is why I would choose to build bridges instead of mending walls and keeping what I know for myself.

Homo Sapien tribes

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